Tanks are going to be around for a little now thanks to the weather change.
Don't just do a regular white wife beater and call it quits.
Let's take it further and make it a little more custom.
Take a regular t-shirt and make your own tank!
No one else will have it and you can put those old shirts to use.
I'd like to go a little further than just the tank-top subject, especially now that the warmer months are upon us.
The Fistibois concept is a fashion epidemic we are starting where guys again begin wearing thigh-high shorts, whether they are denim cut-offs, gym shorts, soccer shorts, or track shorts with white or matching striped, calve-high tube socks. And the purpose of this marketing project is to resurrect this fashion trend again, making it the official gear of the Fistiboi.
Now Sporaticus is first and foremost an innovative theatrical and performing arts project consisting of heroes/superheroes, dressed in Fistiboi gear engaging in stage-fighting and dance, performing monologues and scenes, incorporating poetry, hip-hop, using original music and original story lines. It is our vision to see a multitude of versions of Sporaticus being presented simultaneously throughout the United States and abroad, each project unique and each project distinguishing itself apart from any other version.
Pass the word about Fistibois among your circle of friends! We want "Fistibois" and “Sporaticus” household words by Mid-May, 2010!
So, might I suggest you check out the most artistically, mentally, and challenging group on MySpace:
Fistibois Rule!
A lot has changed since I wrote the last comment Fistibois Rule Fashion has now become SupraStyle Fashion. But the garb ideas are the same...thigh high shorts, tanks, like this one. By the way who is the model? He looks great.
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