Adam Bouska is a fashion and beauty photographer based out of West Hollywood California. If you have seen Americas Next Top Model than you have probably seem some of his work. He is also the official photographer for the No H8 campaign. I came across his work for the first time seeing B. Scott's default picture on facebook. It was the ever so lovely B. Scott in all white white electrical tape over his mouth. At first I didn't know what this was all about. But I started seeing celebrities photos all taken in the same fashion.
Coming across in my research I found out more of what this campaign was. The whole campaign is fighting for equal rights. It was started after Prop 8 was initiated in California. The uproar was tremendous. I'm glad the silent protest is becoming so well known. There are numerous amounts of celebrities and just regular people like you and me who have taken apart of this movement and to show their support. Anyone can support the cause. You can visit their site for more information to figure out exactly what you can do.
Here is a the official PSA from the people behind the campaign.
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